7 Questions to Ask a Landscape Designer in Scottsdale

7 Questions to Ask a Landscape Designer in Scottsdale

  • 08/26/18

If you’re like many people who buy a home for sale in Scottsdale, you want to hire a landscape designer – but how do you know you’re working with one who shares your vision?

Ideally, you’ll be able to ask several landscape designers questions before you make a hiring decision. Here’s where to start.

7 Questions to Ask a Landscape Designer in Scottsdale

Before you hire anyone – in fact, before you even zero in on a handful of professionals you want to interview – plan what you want. Create a “wish list,” decide what’s most important, and settle on a budget.

Then, start asking friends and family for recommendations. Your Scottsdale Realtor® will be able to recommend local professionals to you, too. When you get a list of names, start reading online reviews from others who have hired these professionals. You’ll be able to get a feel for who might be a good fit.

Finally, start making calls. These are the seven questions you need to ask.

1. What services do you offer?

Many landscape designers offer design, implementation and maintenance – and if that’s what you’re looking for, it’s best to get it all through the same company.

2. Do you have a portfolio?

Good landscape designers will have an online or hard-copy portfolio of past projects. Flip through it to see whether the designer has done work like you’re envisioning, or if there are a huge number of projects that are fairly similar to your vision.

3. Can you help me come up with fresh ideas?

A creative landscape designer will have ideas of his or her own, too, and will be able to make suggestions based on your style and the space you have to work with.

4. How does the process work if I hire you?

Every designer has his or her own process, so it’s important to find out how it all works if you decide to move forward. That way, you won’t have any unpleasant surprises along the way.

5. How much will this cost?

Once you’ve explained what you want, ask the designer for a quote – even a ballpark figure – on how much it’ll cost. You have to stick to your budget, so you want a landscape designer who understands that and can provide you with an estimate before you get started.

6. How long will this take?

After your landscape designer understands the scope of your project (and your budget), he or she should be able to provide you with a timeframe.

7. How much maintenance will be necessary?

Your dream landscape will require maintenance, which probably includes pulling weeds and occasionally providing extra TLC for plants. A good landscape designer will understand that and be able to tell you approximately how much work you – or your landscaping team – will need to put in to keep it looking great all year.

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