The Soleri Bridge and Plaza at Scottsdale Waterfront is one of our city’s treasured pieces of public art. To truly appreciate its design, a drive-by won’t do, you need to get out of your car and walk this one! (Or run, bike, trike or skateboard.)
The late renowned artist, architect, and philosopher, Paolo Soleri, designed this pedestrian passage at the Scottsdale Waterfront to incorporate the elements of the sun, water and fun to the human connection.
Standing on the bridge you experience the Arizona Canal waters slowly slipping beneath your feet and when you gaze up at the 64-foot monolith pylons (anchoring the bridge) the expansive back drop of the desert sky brings an almost dizzying sensation. A six inch gap between the giant pylons was designed to allow a shaft of light to spill its solar shadow onto the walkway, and as that shadow inches along a painted red stripe, you are reminded that the earth isn’t standing still.
For the full effect, be on the passageway between twelve o’clock noon and 1:00 p.m. Soleri has created a heady existential reminder that we are on a globe that is hurling through space, dependent on the positioning of yet another globe, our sun, for our very sustenance.
Walk to the end and you glimpse the 35,000 pound totemic panels designed by Dr. Soleri and Roger Tomalty, produced in Scottsdale at Cosanti. The panels took approximately 8 months to fabricate and finish.
Located at the southwest corner of Scottsdale and Camelback Roads, look for the QR Code to take an audio tour via a SmartPhone app. The Soleri Bridge is also part of the Scottsdale Public Art Walk.