Six Cool Swimming Pool Trends in Scottsdale

Six Cool Swimming Pool Trends in Scottsdale

  • 04/17/16
Summer will be here before you know it, but there’s still time to renovate your swimming pool or even add one. Here’s a guide to the most popular swimming pool trends in Scottsdale for 2016.
Zero edge pools: The concept is similar to an infinity edge pool, but unlike infinity edge pools, zero edge pools (also known as knife edge, perimeter overflow, and negative edge pools) don’t seemingly extend to the horizon. The water comes up and over the edge into a trough, creating a seamless transition from deck to water. It gives the pool a mirror-like effect.
Streamlined look: Kidney-shaped pools surrounded by elaborate, rocky water features are a thing of the past. Scottsdale homeowners today want a sleek, clean look with minimal “extras.” They’re also opting instead for square and rectangular pools.
Glass tile: Pebble finishes are still popular, but glass tile is gaining ground as the go-to surfacing material for Scottsdale homes because it adds dimension and creates a shimmering look in the sunlight. The tiles come in a variety of colors and can be used to create underwater mosaics.
Shallow ledges: Also referred to as tanning shelves and Baja steps, shallow ledges are only eight to 10 inches deep but wide enough for semi-submergible lounge furniture and umbrellas. A shallow ledge gives your home that resort feel and makes a great shallow play area for young children.
Minimalist water features: You have a lot of options when it comes to water features. Right now, the minimalist approach is popular—it complements the streamlined look—and that has Scottsdale residents choosing water walls, jets, and fountains over waterfalls and fountains.
Fire features: Campfire-like pits are nothing new and continue to be the focal point of outdoor living spaces, but you’re also more likely to see fire bowls, fire troughs, and blazing tiki torches being incorporated into pool design these days. These fire features can add spectacular warmth to your pool after dark.
Colored LEDS: More and more Scottsdale homeowners are opting for colored LED swimming pool lights instead of bright white bulbs. Colored LEDS can set whatever mood you’re looking for, create architectural effects, or turn your pool into rainbow-colored waters.
Whether you're looking to add some custom touches to your pool or complete a total renovation, we recommend working with our friends at Aquaman Pools. They even clean my home pool! Check them out and let us know how your experience was.
Summer days are creeping closer, so it's time to get that pool in gear!

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