Scottsdale’s first Home & Travel Show at WestWorld

Scottsdale’s first Home & Travel Show at WestWorld

  • 03/10/15

If you've been thinking about a Do It Yourself project for your home, you might want to check out the Scottsdale Home & Travel Show/Home Furnishing & Design Show.   There will be hundreds of vendors on hand to give you ideas or to discuss your personal project that you’ve had on the back burner because you were too scared to take that first giant step to start.

A rookie knows that a mistake can lead to some serious frustration, many wasted hours of manpower and associated costs, sometimes to the tune of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Well, drop the fear because there are many DIY projects for the home and with the right instructions and mentoring, they can be finished to look like a pro completed them.

Don’t confuse this show with the other Phoenix area home and garden shows. This is Scottsdale’s first and they’ve upped the ante by adding travel to the venue. You can make sure there will be some special vendors not found at the other shows -  after all, this is Scottsdale.

The doors open at 10:00 am on both Saturday and Sunday, March 28 & 29 at WestWorld. We want to make this an annual event so the greater the turnout the better chance that it all will happen again next year, even bigger and better.

So to put the finishing touches on your house to make it the perfect home, come join us!

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