Scottsdale Offers Savings Based on Your Home's Water Use

Scottsdale Offers Savings Based on Your Home's Water Use

  • 09/14/15
Did you know that Scottsdale Water Conservation offers several rebates to help reduce indoor and outdoor water use and decrease the salt content of the city’s waste water? Take stock of your home's water use and see where you can save some extra bucks.
Toilets and shower heads: If you live in a home built prior to 1992 and receive water from Scottsdale Water, you could be eligible for a rebate for replacing your outdated toilets and shower heads. To be eligible, you must complete the online application and provide an itemized, dated receipt showing the purchase of a toilet that uses 1.6 gallons or less per flush or a shower head with a flow of 2.75 gallons per minute or less.
Once your application is approved, you will receive $75 per toilet and $5 per shower head as a credit on your water bill within two billing cycles.
Hot water recirculation system: You may also be able to get a rebate of up to $200 to cover the cost of a hot water recirculation system with either an electrical timer or a pump with an on-off switch. Again, you have to fill out an application and provide a dated sales receipt as well as obtain a plumbing permit from One Stop Shop prior to its installation. The amount of the rebate is based on the actual cost of the hot water recirculation system, excluding labor and tax.
Landscape irrigation controller: Scottsdale offers a rebate of up to $250 for installing a landscape irrigation controller. The controller must be new, properly installed, electrically activated, and hardwired to the irrigation system (battery-powered controllers are not eligible). Read here for a full breakdown of requirements and the application.
Turf removal: You can even receive a rebate of up to $1,500 for replacing your grass with xeriscape. Before you start, a water conservation specialist must confirm certain details, and the rebate will be calculated based on the amount of turf removed and low-water-use landscape installed.
Don’t want to tackle the project yourself? Don’t worry. You can find a Smartscape Certified Landscaper with specialized training in irrigation, plant material, panting, design, and plant problems here or a WaterSense Landscape Irrigation Professional here.
Water softeners: Scottsdale is offering three trial rebates aimed at encouraging residents to upgrade their water softeners to high-efficiency models or remove them altogether. If you upgrade, you will be eligible for a $50 rebate; if you replace your self-regenerating tank for one that is portable and must be removed by a service (instead of discharged into the city’s sewer system), you will be eligible for a $100 rebate. Remove your system entirely, and the rebate jumps to $250 (with $125 paid on removal, $125 paid after an inspection one year later).
Any questions? Give us a call to learn about ways you can make your Scottsdale home even more energy efficient-and hopefully even more profitable.

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