Meet the Matheson Team: Stephanie Brewer

Meet the Matheson Team: Stephanie Brewer

  • 01/26/16
Here at The Matheson Team, we're all about getting to know you and making sure you feel comfortable with us. As part of our efforts to make your experience as personal and pleasing as we can, we're introducing a getting to know you series for our team!
Today, learn more about Stephanie Brewer, our Team Director. She runs the show behind the scenes and you may also know her from her previous position the team as Listings Coordinator.
We asked her to fill out a fun Q&A and hope you enjoy getting to know Stephanie better!
Where are you from? Kansas City, MO (a.k.a. the better side of KC)
How long have you been with The Matheson Team? Just a little over two years.
Why did you choose to be in real estate? I love houses and I cannot sit at a desk all day and stare at a computer.
What can usually be found on your desk? A root beer, something pink, and my cellphone.
What's your catchphrase? "It's like whatever..."
Before you started answering our questions, what were you doing? Answering Don's emails.
What's on your soundtrack? Anything Christina Aguilera or Celine Dion.
Favorite movie? The Notebook, Titantic, or Moulin Rouge. I'm a sucker for romance.
What's an interesting talent you have that most people don't know? My hands are double-jointed.
What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery? Take the first flight to KC, go to my mom's work, and tell her to quit her job.
What inspires you? Hearing the success stories of entrepreneurs who started from nothing.
Thank you, Stephanie! Look forward to meeting the rest of the team soon in our Matheson Team weekly e-newsletter.

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