Install a Recirculation Pump on Your Home's Water Heater to Save Energy and Time

Install a Recirculation Pump on Your Home's Water Heater to Save Energy and Time

  • 06/12/15
It’s easy to get caught up in the latest gadgets and quick fixes for your home, especially in trendy North Scottsdale, but there are some pieces of technology that come along and prove to be truly useful.
One feature we see in many homes in Scottsdale communities is water heater recirculation pumps.
While it may sound like a mouthful, the benefit is simple: hot water recirculation systems ensure hot water is available instantly. If you don’t have one of these systems, then all the water sitting in the water line attached to your sinks, baths, and showers has to flow through before the hot water from the heater reaches your faucet.
Rather than wasting running water while your morning shower heats up, this system makes sure your wait time and thus the water wasted is practically nonexistent.
Hot water recirculation is not to be confused with hot water circulation systems, which are called “closed-loop” systems and use one hot water pipeline throughout your entire home. These are costly to install, because you have to install a lot of additional piping to build one loop dedicated solely to hot water.
The recirculation systems use your existing pipelines to return cool water back to the water heater to warm it up, along with a dedicated hot water line for pumping hot water to faucets. It requires less installation of additional piping, and even works efficiently on a 24-hour timer so you have hot water ready according to your schedule. 
Setting the timer on the recirculation pump to circulate hot water during the times you typically use it is one of the ways the system helps you save on water and energy costs, since the heated water will only pump through your system during your preset times.
For more information on home technology and additional information on these systems, give any of our team members or me a call and we’ll chat with you soon.

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