They’re here with a vengeance, the Holidays! And if you live in Arizona, this time of year also brings the Fiesta Bowl, the Super Bowl, The Barrett-Jackson World’s Greatest Collector Car Auction, the Waste Management Phoenix Open, and the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show.
While it’s a time of parties, laughter and joy, it’s also a time of over-loaded days and nights, over-spending, over-drinking, over-stimulation and it can all be a bit overwhelming.
Multiple guests are in and out of town now through March and there are times you are wondering if you should begin to collect rent. The little ones have multiple breaks and declared school holidays, the older ones are home from college and expecting to take back to the dorm home cooked meals, cookies and treats -- family is in and on top of all the entertaining, you are expected to keep to your current work schedule while taking care of everyone and everything.
To be sure you come out the other side healthy, happy and ready to do it all again next year, here are 7 tips for dealing with the stress of holiday house guests.
- Don’t be afraid to say no, after all there’s a Marriott Courtyard minutes away from your home
- Don’t skip your regular exercise regimen
- Get out of the house and take some long walks alone when needed
- Roll with the punches and let go of the control
- Ask for help
- Write things down and be realistic about what you put on your to-do lists
- Put the most important thing first every day, YOURSELF
When the Holidays are over, visitors and special events long gone, and everything is back to normal, you will look back and realize you wouldn’t trade these times for anything in the world. Living in Scottsdale is living in one of the most privileged communities in America, and with that I think we can handle a little stress a few months out of the year.
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