3 Tips for Making a Long-Distance Move to Scottsdale with Pets

3 Tips for Making a Long-Distance Move to Scottsdale with Pets

  • 07/5/21
If you’re like many people, you know that long-distance moves are tough – and they’re even tougher with pets in tow. However, it’s possible to make yours as smooth as possible with these three tips.

3 Tips for Making a Long-Distance Move to Scottsdale With Pets

Moving long-distance with pets requires you to do a little bit of homework – and maybe make a few extra pits stops along the way. These three tips can help you smooth out the process and de-stress your pet (and yourself):
  1. Get your pet used to his or her carrier
  2. Make time for extra exercise before the trip
  3. Provide mental stimulation, physical exercise, and plenty of TLC each time you stop
Here’s a closer look at each.

Tip #1 for Long-Distance Moves With Pets: Get Your Pet Used to His or Her Carrier

A trip in the car is safer when your pet is in a carrier and secured to the seat, but not all pets are huge fans of being cooped up in one. The key is to get your pet accustomed to his or her carrier early – long before moving day – so that you won’t have any issues when you’re on the road.
Start by placing your pet’s open carrier by his or her food dishes. A comfortable pet will go inside and explore, but one who’s “iffy” about it may need a little extra encouragement. Move the carrier closer to your pet’s food dishes and eventually, put the dishes at the carrier’s entrance. When your pet is comfortable with the dishes there, place them just inside. Move them farther back as your pet becomes more comfortable; he or she will (probably) eventually step in with no problem.
You can also place your pet’s favorite toys, treats, or blankets inside the carrier, or put something of yours (such as an article of clothing) in there to pique your pet’s curiosity.

Tip #2 for Long-Distance Moves With Pets: Make Time for Extra Exercise Before the Trip

Regardless of what type of pet you have, there’s something to be said for extra exercise. Pets use exercise to de-stress, much like humans do – and that means a little extra playtime, a trip to the dog park, a long walk, or a bout with a laser pointer is in order before you hit the road.

Tip #3 for Long-Distance Moves With Pets: Provide Mental Stimulation, Physical Exercise, and Plenty of TLC Each Time You Stop

Take plenty of breaks to let your pet stretch his or her legs and answer nature’s call when you’re on the road. These breaks aren’t just good for your pet, either – you could use some time outside the car. Try to stop every hour or so, even if it’s only briefly, to refresh yourself and breathe some fresh air.

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