3 Co-working Spaces Available for Rent in Scottsdale and Phoenix

3 Co-working Spaces Available for Rent in Scottsdale and Phoenix

  • 09/27/14
Co-working spaces are the latest and greatest business trend – they’re the newest way to grab cheap office or conference space in the city. We’re going to give you details on 3 co-working spaces for rent in Phoenix and Scottsdale.
Co-working spaces differ from traditional office spaces in that those using them are usually not employed by the same organization. Because individual spaces are available for rent, everyone around you is working for unrelated companies in unrelated mediums.
1. mod on Central
2828 N. Central Avenue
Suite 100
(602) 687-9417
In addition to mod’s open work environment, with secure WiFi, printing, copying, scanning and full “modcierge” services, mod has its own café with a full menu and beer&wine bar. Mod offers hourly rates and monthly plans.
Mod on Central co-working spaceMod on Central co-working space
2. The Creative Center of Scottsdale
3616 N. Scottsdale Road
(480) 415-7013
Located in Old Town Scottsdale’s historic arts district, The Creative Center of Scottsdale caters to artists, sculptors, painters, photographers, mixed-media specialists and graphic designers in the Scottsdale area. The Creative Center describes their space as an “incubator—a collection of creative minds exchanging ideas and insights with one another in a common space”.
3. Co+Hoots
1027 E. Washington St.
Suite 107
(602) 688-2835
Co+Hoots was the first coworking space to set up in Phoenix (it opened in 2010). It is a member-sustained and community-supported co-working space and is self-described as a “breeding ground for innovation”. So far, graphic designers, architects, lawyers, PR agents, web developers, writers, start-up entrepreneurs, real estate agents, filmmakers and photographers can be found at Co+Hoots.
Co+Hoots workspace in PhoenixCo+Hoots workspace in Phoenix
Reach out to us if you would like to learn more about the area. Make ScottsdaleRealEstate your “go to” source for Scottsdale community and real estate information, including homes for sale.

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